I read this article and…it actually took my breathe away!! Impressive.

Learning to breathe

Everybody is afraid of something, or afraid something will happen, or afraid something wont happen. Most of the time, that ‘something’ isn’t even singular. It’s plural. I won’t call it a phobia because the fear has varying degrees in each and everyone of us. It makes a substantial amount of people neurotic and pulls on the seams of sanity for others (which is pretty much the same thing). For a handful, it bothers them once in awhile.
But no one can deny it’s there. Like a fly that won’t go away.

So, my biggest fear is…becoming a hypocrite.

Nah, it’s not that I will get unceremoniously dumped or that I won’t find anymore Fanta in the fridge or that Jon Foreman will die not knowing I exist. No. That’s no it.
That one word, ‘hypocrite’ has the power to cut through my heart and send it to the pits of…

View original post 158 more words

My Biggest Fear

I read this article and…it actually took my breathe away!! Impressive.

Learning to breathe

Everybody is afraid of something, or afraid something will happen, or afraid something wont happen. Most of the time, that ‘something’ isn’t even singular. It’s plural. I won’t call it a phobia because the fear has varying degrees in each and everyone of us. It makes a substantial amount of people neurotic and pulls on the seams of sanity for others (which is pretty much the same thing). For a handful, it bothers them once in awhile.
But no one can deny it’s there. Like a fly that won’t go away.

So, my biggest fear is…becoming a hypocrite.

Nah, it’s not that I will get unceremoniously dumped or that I won’t find anymore Fanta in the fridge or that Jon Foreman will die not knowing I exist. No. That’s no it.
That one word, ‘hypocrite’ has the power to cut through my heart and send it to the pits of…

View original post 158 more words

Sex Tips

Sex Tip for Him
If she’s on top, that doesn’t mean she has to do all the work. No crossing arms under your head and whistling. Take this opportunity to caress her, move with her, and with hands on her hips, guide her into positions. Make sure that you give her audible and visual signs of satisfaction when she makes a move that feels great. Tell her how amzing she looks, moves and makes you feel.

Sex Tips for Her
Don’t always leave him responsible to give you an orgasm. If you sometimes have a difficult time reaching orgasm, self-stimulation will help you, and move often than not, turn him on as well.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Sex Tips

Sex tip for him
Kiss and cuddling can make temperatures rise and she will be more receptive to your advances. Too often guys neglect the kissing while entangled and miss the opportunity to connect. over 90% of women questioned on this topic have complained they are not kissed enough.

Sex tip for her
Too often women don’t feel as satisfied or have an orgasm as quickly as their partner. Many times this is due to a lack of communication on what arouses you. Ensure you moan or say how good it feels when it hits the right spot. Touch his hand if you prefer a circular movement instead of an up and down stroke. Make suggestions on what you would like to try next time, when you are cooling down and cuddling. Communicate, they can’t read your mind.

Social networks

I’ve received numerous emails from BOTH sexes, complaining about this same issue; so I am putting it out there and see what comments we get. The issue is, why are people registered on social networks (i.e. BBM, Facebook, 2go) if not to meet new people and interact with them? So why the annoying questions, the most famous being “how did you get my pin/id/username”. To be honest people complaining have a point, I mean if you don’t want to meet new people then don’t register. Or what do you think???


Yes, it’s officially opened!!! Feel free to place your comments and questions and I’ll make sure they are treated as soon as time allows. For personal questions, you may also send me emails at: nahamiojie@yahoo.com.
Thank you for your support and spread the word!!!


Welcome to Kubs-Ville!!! 

This is an official blog for all citizens of kubwa; this blog is going to be officially opened from the 30th of May 2012, Wednesday. You will get all the latest news and gossip happening in and around Kubwa. This little town you live in isn’t as boring as you think!!!